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  • Tianjin Overview
    Ganzizhou Overview
    Sichuan, formerly romanized Szechuan, is a province in southwest China occupying most of the Sichuan Basin between the Himalayas on the west, the Daba Mountains in the north, and the Yungui Plateau to the east. Sichuan's capital c... learn more
  • City Advantage
    City Advantage
    EconomySichuan has been historically known as the "Province of Abundance". It is one of the major agricultural production bases of China. Grain, including rice and wheat, is the major product with output that ranked first in China... learn more
  • 2012/09/19
    Zhang Lujia felt a happy glow on Wednesday morning as Liu Qibao, Party chief of Sichuan province, Jiang Jufeng, governor of Sichuan, and Liu Zhenya, g...
  • 2012/09/03
    Villagers in Kangding county, in Ganzi Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Sichuan province, fixing a rubbish dump. Huang Zhiling / China Daily...
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